Monday, March 19, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2
Reading Test TOMORROW

Writing: working on The Humane Society Writing Contest: story ending with illustration
 due before or after Spring Break (Student choice)

Spelling: No Spelling

5MM: Study/Test TOMORROW
5T:  SL/MB 9.2 extra credit 9.1
5K: MB & SL 7.10/Test TOMORROW

Social Studies:
Science: Study/Space Quiz TOMORROW

If you are leaving early for Spring Break, please make sure that you complete all tests and assignments prior to leaving. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2



5MM: SL 8.9/Ch. 8 Study Guide due Thurs. 3/22/Test 3/23
5K: MB 7.2/7.6  

Social Studies:
Science: Study Guide due Thursday/Space Quiz 3/23

Friday Folders

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2
Writing: Type Personal Essay due Friday!

Spelling: Activities and Test due Friday 3/16

5MM: If you did not finish p. 290, pp.295-298 and SL 8.5
5T:  MB 7.8 & SL 7.8 Study Guide due Thursday Test on Friday
5K: MB 7.3 and worksheets 

Social Studies:
Science: Questions

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2
Writing: Type Personal Essay due Wednesday!

Spelling: Activities and Test due NEXT Friday 3/16

5MM: pp.288-289 and SL 8.3 (p.291)
5T:  MB 7.6&7.7 & SL 7.7
5K: MB& SL 7.1

Social Studies:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2
Web Presentations!
Please write down the day that you have been assigned.

Writing: working on Personal Essay introductions and closings

Spelling: Activities and Test due NEXT Friday 3/16

5MM: pp.284 and SL 8.2
5T:  MB & SL 7.5
5K: None

Social Studies:
Science: Digestion Test TOMRROW

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Reading: Reading log (25 minutes per day) due April 2
Web Presentations!
Please write down the day that you have been assigned.

Writing: working on Personal Essay introductions and closings

Spelling: Activities and Test due NEXT Friday 3/16
5MM: pp.279-280 and SL 8.1
5T:  MB & SL 7.4
5K: None

Social Studies:
Science: Digestion Test on Friday!

February Incentive:
Bring Movie to share along with extra snack and drink for the movie!